Common Signs of Water Leaks

Leak Detection Strategies

Water leaks are a common cause of property loss on insurance claims. Pressurized water from plumbing lines can leak and cause problems, ruining floors and walls and even undermining the foundation of homes. Since water leaks can be so devastating, homeowners should know how to find them as early as possible before bad things happen.

Some problems like mold growth, standing water, or discoloration in ceilings and walls are obvious signs of active leaks. This article is about common signs of leaks that can easily go unnoticed for long enough that serious problems may result. Look out for these three signs to protect the home from serious water damage and high water bills.

Hissing Sounds

In almost every home, it is possible to hear water running through the pipes as the is used. Unless very special precautions are taken to dampen the noise, the running water sound is common in every home. This sound is so prevalent because water is a better transmitter of sound than air. So, any turbulence gets passed through the water and amplified by the piping.

Homeowners can use this phenomenon to their benefit. Simply by ensuring water is off to every plumbing fixture and listening, it can be easy to locate leaks. Most often, a leak will make a hissing noise, even if it is hidden behind a wall or under a foundation slab. Serious leaks will even make running water noises as if someone in the bathroom had turned on the sink.

Water Pressure Problems Like Low Water Pressure

The pressure that makes water a great transmitter of noise can also be a stark signal that serious water leaks are present. Most people in most homes can tell when two people are trying to use water at the same time. Maybe one person in the shower notices a small loss in pressure when the kitchen sink is turned on, or someone washing their hands notices a drop in water pressure when the washing machine asks for water.

Leaks operate the same way. When leaks get bad enough, a drop in water pressure is evident. Often, these types of leaks take some time to develop. This is usually a sign that a leak has quickly worsened, so it shouldn't be ignored when noticed.

Higher Water Bills for No Reason

Water bills can fluctuate quite a bit from month to month. Whether it's a change in the weather and people aren't showering as much, or the summer and irrigation water is reflected on the bill, homeowners often give up on tracking water usage before they even start.

While tracking water usage can seem unrewarding, the information gleaned can save a lot of money. After a year or so of keeping records, homeowners can know how much water usage is expected. When these numbers deviate too much, it can be a powerful signal that leaks are present and waste money. Protect the budget by tracking water usage. It just might save hundreds of dollars in wasted water and damage to the home.

About BenjaminBL Plumbing

BenjaminBL Plumbing is a local, veteran-owned plumbing company that focuses on the core values of respect and integrity. Their technicians can be relied upon to serve both residential and commercial customers on short notice, usually same-day. Call today for friendly and professional plumbing help in Austin, TX.